For my organic character project, I started off with the idea that my character would be based on a mythical creature. I had read about the vegetable lamb of Tartary, a mythical creature which was meant to be a goat that grew out of a fern. It actually turned out that reports of this creature where actually a variety of fern that grew in the forest.
' The vegetable lamb was believed to have blood, bones, and flesh like that of a normal lamb. It was connected to the earth by a stem similar to an umbilical cord that propped the lamb up above ground. The cord could flex downward allowing the lamb to feed on the grass and plants surrounding it. Once the plants within reach were eaten, the lamb died' - Wikipedia (
To start off with, I collected reference of ferns. I then drew out some sketches of them.
Research sketches for organic character
After that, I began to develop my character. I had the idea to make the character a lot more human, but with elements of the original mythical creature. I sketched out some different ideas.
Development of ideas for organic character
I then produced an orthographical view of the final design, created from elements that I liked in the design stage.
Final design of organic character
Then I sketched out my composition for the final piece in pencils.
final piece pencils
After a few alterations, I started to paint my final piece in Photoshop.
Final piece work in progress
And this is my final piece for the project.