The first games that I played as a child was kids adventure games such as Harry in the haunted house on the PC (doubt anyone has hears of this). Once I had gotten a little older, I started playing some of my Dads games, such as Sim City 2000, and later the Settlers and Age of Empires. At this stage I really liked playing real time strategy games, and also games that allowed you to create things. In 2000, my parents brought me and my brother a Playstation. This was recommended by his teachers as he found it difficult to concentrate on two tasks at once. They believed that playing games would allow him to concentrate better. The first console game we had was Crash Bandicoot, and later other plat forming games like Spyro the Dragon .
When the Playstation 2 came out, we upgraded to it. My brother was the main person who used it, but I did play a few games on it such as 'Beyond Good & Evil' . It was only really until recently that I started playing on these consoles; after the PS3 came out, these consoles became mine and I began to buy and borrow more PlayStation and Playstation two games. My favourite series has to be the metal gear series (despite the fact that the plot got kind of convoluted towards the end), although my favourite game would probably be Shadow of the Colossus. I haven't played that many next generation games except for a few (for example Bioshock and Fallout 3 ) and at this rate it seems I'll end up getting myself a PS3 by the time the fourth ones out.
Once I'd upgraded my computer, I started to play online games such as Team fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead with my friends. Also got the orange box, which introduced me to steam. Mostly now I play games on my pc.
Probably don't have as much as to say about this as a lot of people, I've seen more games being played than I've played myself, and never really considered myself a gamer even though I enjoy playing them . Although it's doubtful in these current times, in the future I hope that games will use the more advanced technology that we have available to make more original and immersive. There's so much potential for games to try something new. This is already happening with new motion technology with the kinect and the Playstation move. With 3d tvs becoming available, I look forward to be able to create and play games in new ways in the future.
yay, make your own games - that's the spirit!