Tuesday, 29 March 2011

summary of year 1

I seemed to have survived so far. This assessment went ok, I seem to have passed at least. Think I need to work a lot harder in getting up to speed on the 3d and Visual design stuff as well as this blog. I got everything done on time, but I just need to get better at things. I'm also going to try to add a lot more posts to this blog, recording my progress in other areas of the course, as well as other relevant things to this course. I'll try and updated it at least once a week.

However, I think I have improved a lot this year, especially in 3D. Even though I'm not that good at it, I think I have got a lot better than from the first project, the bin, which I had no clue what I was doing. Compared to my last project, the weapon project, which had a similar budget, there is a lot of improvement, especially as I completed the weapon project in less time than the bin.

Top: wheelie bin, first project  Bottom: weapon, last project

I also started painting my textures, which is fun, although I think it works best with a combination of photos and painting, at least until I get better at painting. I think this year I've learnt some of the basics, and hopefully next year I will start to improve properly. I'm going to be working on some of the summer projects over the summer and the next semester, so hopefully I will improve with practice and start producing some good work.

I'm not sure if I've improved as much in visual design. In the second semester I spent a lot more time doing digital paints and on the thumbnails as well, which i think has helped me, especially with colour and lighting which I did not use a lot of in the first semester .

  Top: first semseter first project, Bottom: second semester last project

We also had life drawing this semester, which was difficult at first, but I think I have learnt a lot from it.

Top: first life drawing  Bottom: last life drawing

 I also enjoyed doing the sculptures, which is something I would not have tried doing otherwise .I think the second one turned out a lot better than the first though.

 Top: first scupture  Bottom: second scupture

 It's also been suggested that I use softer pencils, such a 6b and that i need to make my lines for confident. Comparing my work from the second and first semester, I think there is a little improvement though, and I'll keep practicing in the summer.

Over the summer, I am going to attempt to do two of the projects, as I think this will allow me to get some practice and hopefully come back to the second year a little better. I think I'll probably do the seabed one and possibly the gypsy one. I've already started some concept and research for the seabed one while waiting for the assessment, which I'll post up and talk about in my next blog post.
Overall it's been interesting and challenging, and I'm looking forward to next year.

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