Tuesday 17 May 2011

still life

Been doing some still life lately, hoping to get better at painting over the summer. Anyway, heres what I've produced so far, most are about 50min-1hour speedpaints. I think they're helping and they're fun to do.

Thursday 12 May 2011

Seabed project: wip

Just an update on the summer project. I've started to build the scene, and it's pretty much finished. I haven't textured it yet, but the models themselves are complete. I might tweak them a bit from these renders. I'm happy with the outcome, it turned out a lot better than I expected. I 'm going to do a paint over, and begin the unwrap this next week, although I've run into some problems. My tablets started to play up, so I can't paint the textures. However, I'm going to go into the computer labs and use one of the tablets in there, so I should be able to get the work done. Hopefully I'll be able to fix my tablet and won't have to buy a new one.

I've also started some work on the fish. these aren't completely finished, but I like how they're turning out. They're really low poly, about 50 tris each, but this is because there is going to be a lot of them. I haven't added them into the scene yet because they're not finished, as they still need normal and specular maps to complete them. I'm also working on a shark, another fish and the seaweed.

After all this is textured I'm going to start on the diver.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Seabed project: orthographical drawings

I've started to do some of the orthographical drawings for the seabed project. These are used to create the models from. I've only done the two sections of the boat and the fish as I want to leave the diver until after the main scene is complete. I'm not going to do orthographical drawings for the rocks as I might have to change those as I go along to make them fit into the scene. I'm not sure what  my budget would be with each of the assets, but I'm going to create the ship first as its the main focus. After that I'm going to work out what everything else should be, and maybe adjust the ship. The next step is to make the front of the ship, so I'll post up my progress on that next. Not sure how long it's going to take me before it starts looking alright, hopefully only a couple of weeks.